Richard W. Dillman


Taught at McDaniel College from 1980 to 2000. Was chair of the Communication Department from 1994-2000. Taught courses in Computer Science, Mass Communication, Information Theory, Systems Theory and Analysis, History of Technology, and Internet Website Design.

Now retired and teaching as an adjunct online professor. Current courses include: The Information Age, Information Theory, General Systems Theory, Introduction to Mass Communication.
Published the Happy Fun Communication Land (HFCL) introduction to communication online textbook. HFCL won an award from Internet Scout as one of the Internet's best academic websites and has been translated into German (Wie entsteht Bedeutung?) by the Austrian Ministry of Education.
Published the "cyberynth" experimental online art gallery. Also designed (which includes a photo gallery of Tioga County, PA USA).
Earlier books include Problem Solving With BASIC, and Problem Solving With FORTRAN.