McDaniel College
Department of Communication

COM3372 Information Theory
Richard W. Dillman (

Contents . Calendar . Recommended Texts . Assignments and Grading . Discussion Board


(See calendar for specific dates.)

Approximate Reading Schedule - See Calendar for specific dates.

• Tutorial on Information at Happy Fun Communication Land

Study this thoroughly. Follow links to gain a wider access to data. Be able to clearly define the terms "pattern", "data'" "information", "code" and so on.

• Ritchie, Information

You will have to learn the meanings of the symbols used in one (and only one) mathematical formula. This entire book is dedicated to teaching you this, and I have extensive notes online that supplement the reading. There will be a test on the meaning of the formula ... this will not involve mathematical operations.

• Dennett, Darwin's Dangerous Idea

The exam will focus on the relationship between Darwin's Theory and information theory.

• Drucker, Post-Capitalist Society

The exam will focus on the role that information plays in current business and cultural life.

• Special Extra Credit: Willis, bellwether

For those who feel the need. Details will be posted on the Discussion Board.


Online Discussion (20 points, based on the first half of the course)

I receive a copy of each message posted to the class Discussion Board . As you post your questions and comments, I will read them and respond as necessary. To ensure that everyone participates, I will grade the discussion for the first half of the course. This will become a major part of your midterm grade.

The grade will account for both the volume and quality of your messages. I am looking to see that you have done the reading, that you are seeking to understand the reading, and that you are seeking to participate in the online discussion.

The Discussion Board contains examples of "good" and "bad" posts and an extensive analysis of "what does he want?"


Exams (90 points: three exams, 30 points each)

As we finish each book, I will give you a "take home" exam based on the reading. Each of you will receive a different question to answer and you will post your answer to a special thread on the Discussion Board. I will grade these and send your grade to you privately by email. Sample exam questions and answers and more details are posted on the Board.